Anthem’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers support during this challenging time.
Access EAP at and enter My EAP CA As news of COVID-19 continues to evolve, you may find yourself growing increasingly concerned about dependent care, personal finances or even your family’s preparedness to whether the storm. If so, rest assured you’re not alone. Remember, your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is here to provide you and your household members support during challenging times.
Need support? Reach out to the EAP today! (log in: My EAP CA)
Call 800-999-7222
With your EAP you’ll have no-cost, confidential access to1:
Telephonic support. Available 24/7 at 800-999-7222. Talk to a counselor for in-the-moment support or a work/life specialist who can assist you in identifying resources to meet your individual needs.
Counseling visits. Get a referral for in-office or LiveHealth Online video visits to manage stress, anxiety, and other issues. Call 800-999-7222 for a referral.
Child and Eldercare resources. Conduct your own search for local resources for full, part-time and back-up care at (log in: My EAP CA.)
Financial consultations. Meet telephonically with a certified financial professional who can discuss your short and longer term financial concerns.
Legal consultations. Speak to an attorney for a no cost consultation to discuss your legal questions.2
Website. At (log in: My EAP CA) you’ll find tips, tools and resources for COVID-19, a critical event center, and more.
1 In accordance with federal, state law, and professional ethical standards.
2 Excludes benefit and employment matters. A per issue per 12 month period benefit.